Some Essentials for IDL Usage

source /usr/physics/idl8/idl/idl/bin/idl_setup

setenv IDL_PATH $IDL_DIR/lib:/yourFullPathIDLsourceCodeDirectory"

the second line sets up search path for IDL procedures.  $IDL_DIR/lib refers to the place for IDL built-in procedures.  /yourFullPathIDLsourceCodeDirectory refers to the directory for IDL procedures you have owned, eg. $HOME/IDL

on top of idlde window, select:

File -> Preference

A separate window pops up, click tab Path, then click Insert

Select a directory to be added to the IDL search path.

 on top of idlde window, select:

 File -> Preference

 A separate window pops up, click tab Startup, enter for Working Directory


 Then click OK