Cm1: fieldm1_actual.csv - the stars actually observed. columns: [epic,ra,dec,kpmag,label] 255 of them have lable='red-giant' fieldm1_list_full.csv - the proposed stars The proposed stars were selected from RAVE, 2MASS and SEGUE -------------------------------------------------------------- Type Row_end id_suffix -------------------------------------------------------------- RAVE 279 rave_ ((vmag>9.0)&(vmag<16.0)& (logg_k20)&(correlationcoeff>5)& ((J-K)>0.5)&((J-K)<1.0)) stars split by V(J,K) in following bins [9,10,11,12,13] and then randomized in each bin. 2MASS 669 2mass_ ((vmag>8.0)&(vmag<16.0)&(qual_flag=good)& (jmag<15.8)&((J-K)>0.5)&((J-K)<1.0)) stars split by V(J,K) in following bins [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] and then randomized in each bin. SEGUE 905 segue_ ((prim_target != 'GAL ')& (prim_target != 'QSO ')& (rmag<16.0)&(logg_adop4500.0)& (teff_adop<6000.0)) -------------------------------------------------------------- columns: [epic,id,ra,dec,kpmag,dist,label] epic - cross matched from fieldm1_actual.csv -1 for no match id - either 2MASS id or SDSS id. suffix is used to denote source of targets ra - proposed RA dec - proposed DEC kpmag - proposed kpmag (V(J,K) or sdss_r ?) label - cross matched from fieldm1_actual.csv dist - angualr distance of nearest star in cross match Here, V(J,K)=K+2.0*((J-K)+0.14)+0.382*exp((J-K-0.2)*2) When the proposed stars were cross matched in (ra,dec) to 1e-5 deg with the stars actually observed, 257 matches were found, 255 of them are with label 'red_giant' and 2 with 'cool_star' in the fieldm1_actual.csv file.