[ASA] Call for SSO 2.3m applications

Paul Francis Paul.Francis at anu.edu.au
Tue Jan 30 11:20:30 AEDT 2018

Dear Observer,

The closing date for observing proposals for time on the ANU/RSAA 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) in the quarter 1st May 2018 - 31st July 2018 is 23:59 February 15, 2017.

Instruments available:
Nasymth A: WiFeS   Nasymth B: Imager or echelle.

Observing proposals must be submitted electronically via the RSAA web pages.
Full instructions are available at http://rsaa.anu.edu.au/observers/observing-rsaa.

 *************************** PLEASE NOTE ***********************************

 The ANU 2.3-metre telescope at Siding Spring Observatory is scientifically productive and a valuable resource for student training and instrument development. These diverse and significant benefits justify its continued operation for the foreseeable future. The full cost to the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) of operating the 2.3m telescope (including staff, maintenance and repairs) corresponds to approximately $1200 per night. To defray this cost, RSAA is offering priority on the 2.3m telescope to paying customers from Australia and elsewhere, while simultaneously ensuring a level of open access to astronomers at all Australian institutions.

40% of the telescope time will be allocated to paid priority proposals, which will need to contribute $400 per night towards the running costs of the telescope. The remaining 60% of the time is open-access and remains free. To be eligible to apply for open-access time, 50% or more of the proposers must be based at Australian institutions.

In future years the price of a priority night will increase and the fraction of open-access nights will decrease. Full details can be found at

The latest information on using the telescope and its instruments can be found at http://rsaa.anu.edu.au/observers/obsering-rsaa.


If you have questions or technical problems in using the web-based submission process, please email tacinfo at mso.anu.edu.au.

Paul Francis
Chair, ANU TAC

Prof. Paul Francis
ANU Distinguished Educator
Mt Stromlo Observatory and Physics Education Centre
Room 104, Building 38a
Tel: +61 2 6125 2824 or +61 2 6125 8031
The Australian National University
CRICOS Provider #00120C
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