[ASA] Fwd: European Space Agency-led Symposium on Space Educational Activities

John Lattanzio john.lattanzio at monash.edu
Thu Sep 23 07:02:03 AEST 2021

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From: <hello at sseasymposium.org>
Date: Thu, 23 Sept 2021 at 03:26
Subject: European Space Agency-led Symposium on Space Educational Activities
To: <john.lattanzio at monash.edu>

To the attention of the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA):

Dear John Lattanzio,

Please, forward this information email to your students and whoever you
think might find it of interest.

It is with great pleasure that we reach out to you to invite you to submit
abstracts to the 4th *Symposium on Space Educational Activities*
(SSEA), a *European
Space Agency-led congress* that will be hosted by the Universitat
Politecnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech in Barcelona (Spain), next 27-29th
April 2022.

We would like you and your institution to come participate in what will be
the annual world congress for the young promises of the space sector.
Anyone from undergraduate and graduate students, to postdocs and professors
are welcome to present their works in space related fields. This is meant
to be a student-focused conference, so student projects are strongly
encouraged. Note that there are different *scholarships* available for

The event will take place next April 27-29th 2022 in Barcelona (Spain). A
long-awaited opportunity to catch up again with all colleagues in person,
after the pandemic outbreak. Don't miss the opportunity to discuss your
research in a world-landmark as Barcelona. Social events will include
interesting and cultural activities, to further enrich your experience.

The *Call for Abstracts* will be open from 14th June to *1st November 2021*.
More information can be found in our website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Ylf7CzvkyVCMznZG2U4GVEi?domain=sseasymposium.org,
and in our social media: Facebook <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/wEMVCANpgjCN5VXZWu8iNLp?domain=facebook.com>,
Instagram <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/68l1CBNqjlC7NArD4fNbXvk?domain=instagram.com>, LinkedIn
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/258dCD1vlpT5ZMzoVCZTTYR?domain=linkedin.com>, Twitter

The Organising Committee awaits you with enthusiasm,

Yours sincerely,

Communications Board

*I am an LGBTIQ Ally**      -     Find out more at https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/NglmCGv0oyC19qRBMf0DUm0?domain=monash.edu

Professor John Lattanzio
President, Astronomical Society of Australia

School of Physics and Astronomy
Monash University Victoria 3800 AUSTRALIA

Ph:  +61 (0)3 9905-4428
WWW: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/EVeoCK1DvKT2k9NDnTnz1yd?domain=users.monash.edu.au <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/dxFvCL7EwMfR2Xrk1f1TVGR?domain=maths.monash.edu.au>

"...it’s a human story that builds to a climax and it’s personal from end
to end.
You start out wondering why you bought those blue pajamas and later you’re
wondering why you were born. You go from the foolishly absurd to the deadly
serious and you’ve passed through the gaudy and the nasty along the way.
You get to the edge and you’re played out and you wonder where’s the good
news? Isn’t there supposed to be good news?"
        - Bob Dylan
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