The SUSI Book of Records

Most runs in a night using the red table
 73  by JRN on 050615
 79  by APJ on 070506 [4 stars, 3 baselines, ?hrs]
 80  by JRN on 070525 [2 stars, 2 baselines, 8hrs]
 85  by JRN on 070525 [4 stars, 3 baselines, 8.5hrs]
 100 by JRN on 070527 [5 stars, 5 baselines, 12hrs]
 101 by JRN on 070623 [3 stars, 2 baselines, 11hrs]

Most obscure error messages
 "Unknown error in unknown file" by StarTrak-NG
 "There is a broken pipe I cannot identify" by Wobble2

Most obscure code comment
 "See p56 of Mike's red note book" by MJI

Andrew Jacob