SUSI User's Notes

Observing Using the Scheduler

The scheduler takes most of the hard work out of observing with SUSI.
Read Mike's Users notes at /usr/local/susi/doc/scheduler.tex for a list 
 of commands.

Firstly write two script files, a setup.sched and HR????.sched file.
Store these in /export/snert/data/schedules/
Examples of these files follow.

 Actually setup.sched is not that useful nowadays but here it is anyway.
 Setup.sched (edit where obviously necessary)
  sid n4 s2 n
  scans 1000 50
  filenum 1
  fs -500 500 15
  comment Begin Oct 7-8, 2004
  comment Observer APJ

 betDor.sched example (edit for your target & cals)
  acq 472
  hrf 1465
  hrf 1922
  hrf 2020
  hrf 1922
  hrf 2550
  hrf 1922
  hrf 1465
  load ../schedules/betDor.sched

What do these do?
  sets sids to use, sets star/foto scans, reopens all connections, 
  sets next filenumber, sets fringe search parameters 
  and adds some (optional!) comments.
  acquires an alignment star, auto-aligns 
  then completes an observing cycle (including photometry after every run),
  then calls itself to repeat the alignment & cycle

In practice...
 Follow the Setup and Alignment procedures.
 Before Aligning on a star do load ../schedules/setup.sched in scheduler
 When you are ready to slew to the alignment star do
 load ../schedules/betDor.sched in scheduler

On starting the scheduler it:
 creates a new data directory and cd's into this and starts a scheduler.log

Andrew Jacob
Last modified: Tue May 25 16:36:53 EST 2004