### OBSDATE ### 20120824-2 ### LOGDATE ### 120824 ### OBSERVERS ### XH ### WEATHER ### Clear but high (that high ?) relative humidity ### LOCATION ### ROCS (Sydney) ### PROGRAM ### Binary and Be stars ### SIDEROSTATS ### n3 s1 ### TARGETS ### none ### QUALITY ### Quite bad (no/almost no useful data ### PROBLEMS ### Pavogtk doesn't open with SUSI_startup. Spiral search for acquisition on S1 for 5 minutes then RH =100% in the SUSI env monitor (although 82% at the ATCA). Following the wiki , I closed. I waited a bit, RH is 101% on the SUSI env monitor. Went home. At ATCA, it didn't pass over 85 % (while increasing at ATCA, it was stuck at 101 % at SUSI). Is 100 % on the SUSI env monitor really the hard limit for closing ?