### OBSDATE ### 20130419 ### LOGDATE ### 130420 ### OBSERVERS ### MJI, ACR, BAW Testing, then ACR ### WEATHER ### Seeing is poor ### LOCATION ### SUSI ### PROGRAM ### Testing the focus behaviour of each sid/periscope combination. Some Sco-Cen data. ### SIDEROSTATS ### n4 s2 ### TARGETS ### Bet-Cru. After some focussing and testing, found fringes at 1400um. Set gain to 210: Mu02-Sco (hr6252): fringes at 1566um. Tau-Sco (hr 6165): fringes at 1480um. Fringes on the two above targets are quite patchy. Testing N3 acqusition as the absolute encoder was shifted during the day. Star: Tau-Sco. Star was acquired with minimal offsets (-12, 12) File ~80100, no fringe N3 data to record poor N3 image quality. Fringes found on N3+S2 at 1000um for Tau-Sco (around file 8800) Now doing the same for North 1 Offsets: -71, -67. N1 looks better than N3 File ~9000 show image quality on N1. ### QUALITY ### Quite bad (no/almost no useful data ### PROBLEMS ### Fluxes (science) on Bet-Cru North Flux now 18,000 South Flux now 20,000 South now appears brighter than last night. This indicates that replacing the dirty S2-south window had a significant effect. Despite much focussing effort, Focus on all North sid/periscope combinations show underlying aberration, as well as periscope specific aberrations. Hypothesis: All periscope mirrors are screwed on too tight in a systematic way that reflects their installation. Closed due to poor seeing. sidcon s2 froze on last star, note this happened at the end of the previous night but with N4. Requires a power cycle then restart_sid. Seems like both N and S sidcon codes are writing logs to the same file called: /usr/local/susi/tmp/sidcon Probably not the cause of the error, but is still something non-ideal.