PAVO User Guide (Updated 22 July 2010)

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--- The Detailed Node Listing ---

Aligning PAVO in the Lab

Adjusting PAVO Coarse Alignment

Alignment Out to the Telescope - Skip this Section (2010 April)

On-sky Alignment


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1 Introduction

PAVO - Precision Astronomical Visible Observations

These notes are designed to be instructions for basic PAVO operation, assuming familiarity with the rest of the CHARA system. The basic observing information, moving telescopes, moving carts, etc is not covered here.

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2 Cooling Down the PAVO Camera

The PAVO camera needs to be cooled down at the beginning of the run. Turn on [CCD Cool] on the power gui. Type the following command into the pavo server:

> coolon -70

This cools the camera to -70C. "CCD Cool" has to be on for this to work. The fan is also on, so nothing should break if CCD cool isn't on; it will just stop at about -55C and not go any lower. The gain numbers in the current mode only apply to this temperature.

You can read the current temperature from the pavo server. Keep [CCD Cool] turned on throughout the PAVO run.

If you leave the pavo computer on, the camera plugged-in and "CCD Cool" on, you don't have to do anything until a PAVO run is over. At the end of the run, type "coolon 0" into the server and it will raise the temperature to 0 Celsius. Once it gets to about 0, it is "safe" to switch anything and everything off without damaging the CCD.

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3 Overview of Alignment Steps

There are three different phases to the PAVO alignment. An overview of these steps is given below:

  1. Course alignment is done in the lab during the day at the beginning of a PAVO run. During this step, we put in the LDCs, put in the PAVO beam splitters, and align beams 1-3 through the mask and lenslet ("glass" in front of pavo camera). Details of the lab alignment procedure are given in Aligning PAVO in the Lab.
  2. Alignment at the beginning of a given baseline setup. In this step we align the VIS/IR dichroics out to the telescope (flower laser align). This only has to be done when the telescopes are changed to different beams or after changing POPs. Details of the flower laser alignment are given in Alignment Out to the Telescope. NOTE: This step is no longer needed as of Spring 2010 because we can do M10 alignments using the green lab alignment laser.
  3. On-sky alignment of image and pupil planes. This should be done when switching to a new target/calibrator set in a different part of the sky. Details of the on-sky alignment are given in On-sky Alignment.

Note: The alignment on Beams 1 and 2 are done using VisBeams 1&2. The alignment of Beam 3 is done with VisBeams 3&4.

Note to telescope operators: Now that we have the green alignment laser, it's possible to check the visbeam, dichroic, and M10 alignment on a nightly basis.

Next: , Previous: Overview of Alignment Steps, Up: Top

4 Aligning PAVO in the Lab

These instructions are for aligning the PAVO beams at the start of a run. After the PAVO beam splitters are put into the path and the optics are aligned, they shouldn't need to readjusted for the remainder of the run.

Next: , Previous: Aligning PAVO in the Lab, Up: Aligning PAVO in the Lab

4.1 Basic Alignment of PAVO in the Lab

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4.2 Checking PAVO alignment

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4.3 Adjusting PAVO Coarse Alignment

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4.3.1 Step 1 - Correct for offset on L1

Previous: Step 1 - Correct for offset on L1, Up: Adjusting PAVO Coarse Alignment

4.3.2 Step 2 - Correct for offset on L2

Next: , Previous: Adjusting PAVO Coarse Alignment, Up: Aligning PAVO in the Lab

4.4 Changing focus

If the L1 or M2 mounts have been physically moved on the table during the course alignment, the focus of the beam might need to be adjusted.

Next: , Previous: Changing focus, Up: Aligning PAVO in the Lab

4.5 If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors

Previous: If you need to home only one of the PAVO motors, Up: Aligning PAVO in the Lab

4.6 General Notes

Next: , Previous: Aligning PAVO in the Lab, Up: Top

5 Starting PAVO Software

This section describes the PAVO-specific servers and guis that need to be open at the beginning of the night to observe with PAVO. This list does not include the general CHARA software that needs to be opened.

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6 Alignment Out to the Telescope - Skip this Section (2010 April)

NOTE: Now that we have the green laser in the lab and can do M10 alignments with the PAVO beam splitters in, there is no longer a need to do the laser alignment out to the telescope. Also because we are no longer using the red laser, we cannot do the laser wavelength alignment anymore.

In this step we align the VIS/IR dichroics out to the telescope (flower laser align). This only has to be done when the telescopes are changed to different beams or after changing POPs. When this alignment is needed, it is done at the beginning of the night. Check with the telescope operator to make sure it is safe to open the M3 and M5 covers on the telescopes.

You don't need to do the alignment out to the telescope if you're using the same telescope setup as last time and the dichroics haven't been adjusted on the PAVO beams. It is always needed each time PAVO is used with a new telescope or a different beam setup.

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6.1 Align VIS/IR Dichroics

Align Vis/IR dichroic using telescope corner cubes:

Next: , Previous: Align VIS/IR Dichroics, Up: Alignment Out to the Telescope

6.2 Align Wavelength Scale

Align wavelength scale of spectrum. Experts only for now...

Previous: Align Wavelength Scale, Up: Alignment Out to the Telescope

6.3 After Finishing the Alignment

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7 On-sky Alignment

On-sky alignment of the image and pupil planes. This should be done when switching to a new target/calibrator set in a different part of the sky. You need to re-align after a large telescope slew or more than about 1 hour on target.

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7.1 Before Aligning

Before aligning (i.e. while slewing) do the follow setup steps:

Next: , Previous: Before Aligning, Up: On-sky Alignment

7.2 Take Backgrounds

Next: , Previous: Take Backgrounds, Up: On-sky Alignment

7.3 Align Image

Next: , Previous: Align Image, Up: On-sky Alignment

7.4 Align Pupil

Previous: Align Pupil, Up: On-sky Alignment

7.5 Save Alignment Positions

Next: , Previous: On-sky Alignment, Up: Top

8 Observing with PAVO

Next: , Previous: Observing with PAVO, Up: Top

9 Detailed Observing Notes

Next: , Previous: Detailed Observing Notes, Up: Top

10 Description of PAVO Server/PAVO Status Window

This Section describes the parameters listed on the top of the PAVO server display and on the PAVO status window.

Here is the order that some of these parameters are listed on the Pavo server:
Pos Vel TL S
V2 V2C V2S V2CS (different visibility estimates)

Next: , Previous: Description of PAVO Server/PAVO Status Window, Up: Top

11 Shutting down PAVO

Compressing the data at the end of the night

  1. ssh to pavo and “cd /raid/090430” or whatever your UT date is.
  2. Type “compress *fits”. Or if that fails (file list too long)... “compress pavo0*fits &” then “compress pavo1*fits &” etc.
  3. Do a “df -h” and check there is at least 200GB left on /raid.

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12 Troubleshooting

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12.1 Can't Find Fringes

This list outlines the simple things that can prevent you from finding fringes:

If OPLE is not tracking - go to OPLE Server:

Check LDC glass position:

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12.2 Can't See Laser in Acquistion

Can't see laser in [ACQ] when aligning TV Tracking on telescope:

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12.3 Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera

You need to switch the filter to LP02-568 in order to see the laser in the image plane or the lenslet plane.

Next: , Previous: Can't See Laser in PAVO Camera, Up: Troubleshooting

12.4 Dispersion is High

If the dispersion is high or if you can't find fringes, you may want to check the glass offsets being sent to the LDC controls by the ople server. High dispersion will produce smeared, asymmetric fringes. This is mostly an issue in terms of tracking on the broadband fringes (post-processing is done using small sub-bandpasses). There are three ways to adjust the glass offsets:

Mike - since the glass offsets still occasionally pop up as a problem, could you provide some insight on how to determine what the goffset values should be set to?

Next: , Previous: Dispersion is High, Up: Troubleshooting

12.5 Large Jump in Image Position

If there is suddenly a large jump in the position of the image, it might be caused by L2 being at the end of its range. To check:

Previous: Large Jump in Image Position, Up: Troubleshooting

12.6 LDCs Won't Home

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13 Recommendations for Setting Beam Order

These were Mike's recommendations for setting the W2-S2-W1 beam order (Nov 2008):

Next: , Previous: Recommendations for Setting Beam Order, Up: Top

14 Fringe Finding Sources

Next: , Previous: Fringe Finding Sources, Up: Top

15 Random and Important Notes

Next: , Previous: Random and Important Notes, Up: Top

16 PAVO Engineering GUI

The PAVO Engineering gui is no longer needed as much as it used to be. You may need it to set the mask to the right position at the start of the lab alignment (Basic Alignment of PAVO in the Lab), to adjust the wavelength scale (Align Wavelength Scale), or to correct for one of the lenses reaching the end of its limit (Large Jump in Image Position).

A largely incomplete listing of the PAVO Engineering lines:

3 Mask [2] [3]; 2 - mask in, 3 - mask out
9 B1 [0] [1];
11 B2 [0] [1]; shutters: 0 - open, 1 closed

Previous: PAVO Engineering GUI, Up: Top

17 Index

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