input = "@extract.lis" List of input images nfind = 1 Number of apertures to be found automatically (output = "") List of output spectra (apertures = "") Apertures (format = "multispec") Extracted spectra format (references = "") List of aperture reference images (profiles = "") List of aperture profile images\n (interactive = yes) Run task interactively? (find = yes) Find apertures? (recenter = yes) Recenter apertures? (resize = yes) Resize apertures? (edit = yes) Edit apertures? (trace = yes) Trace apertures? (fittrace = yes) Fit the traced points interactively? (extract = yes) Extract spectra? (extras = yes) Extract sky, sigma, etc.? (review = yes) Review extractions?\n (line = INDEF) Dispersion line (nsum = 50) Number of dispersion lines to sum or median\n\n (lower = -8.) Lower aperture limit relative to center (upper = 8.) Upper aperture limit relative to center (apidtable = "") Aperture ID table (optional)\n\n# DEFAULT BACKG (b_function = "chebyshev") Background function (b_order = 1) Background function order (b_sample = "-20:-10,10:20") Background sample regions (b_naverage = -100) Background average or median (b_niterate = 0) Background rejection iterations (b_low_reject = 3.) Background lower rejection sigma (b_high_rejec = 3.) Background upper rejection sigma (b_grow = 0.) Background rejection growing radius\n\n# APERTU (width = 5.) Profile centering width (radius = 10.) Profile centering radius (threshold = 0.) Detection threshold for profile centering\n\n# (minsep = 5.) Minimum separation between spectra (maxsep = 1000.) Maximum separation between spectra (order = "increasing") Order of apertures\n\n# RECENTERING PARAMETERS\n (aprecenter = "") Apertures for recentering calculation (npeaks = INDEF) Select brightest peaks (shift = yes) Use average shift instead of recentering?\n\n# (llimit = INDEF) Lower aperture limit relative to center (ulimit = INDEF) Upper aperture limit relative to center (ylevel = 0.5) Fraction of peak or intensity for automatic wid (peak = yes) Is ylevel a fraction of the peak? (bkg = yes) Subtract background in automatic width? (r_grow = 0.) Grow limits by this factor (avglimits = no) Average limits over all apertures?\n\n# TRACING (t_nsum = 50) Number of dispersion lines to sum (t_step = 50) Tracing step (t_nlost = 3) Number of consecutive times profile is lost bef (t_function = "legendre") Trace fitting function (t_order = 2) Trace fitting function order (t_sample = "*") Trace sample regions (t_naverage = 1) Trace average or median (t_niterate = 0) Trace rejection iterations (t_low_reject = 3.) Trace lower rejection sigma (t_high_rejec = 3.) Trace upper rejection sigma (t_grow = 0.) Trace rejection growing radius\n\n# EXTRACTION (background = "fit") Background to subtract (skybox = 1) Box car smoothing length for sky (weights = "variance") Extraction weights (none|variance) (pfit = "fit1d") Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d) (clean = yes) Detect and replace bad pixels? (saturation = 65000.) Saturation level (readnoise = "RO_NOISE") Read out noise sigma (photons) (gain = "RO_GAIN") Photon gain (photons/data number) (lsigma = 4.) Lower rejection threshold (usigma = 4.) Upper rejection threshold (nsubaps = 1) Number of subapertures per aperture (mode = "ql")