images = "s*r.imh" List of CCD images to correct (output = "") List of output CCD images (ccdtype = "") CCD image type to correct (max_cache = 0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes) (noproc = no) List processing steps only?\n (fixpix = no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns? (overscan = yes) Apply overscan strip correction? (trim = yes) Trim the image? (zerocor = yes) Apply zero level correction? (darkcor = no) Apply dark count correction? (flatcor = no) Apply flat field correction? (illumcor = no) Apply illumination correction? (fringecor = no) Apply fringe correction? (readcor = no) Convert zero level image to readout correction? (scancor = no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?\n (readaxis = "line") Read out axis (column|line) (fixfile = "") File describing the bad lines and columns (biassec = "[1777:1798,151:450]") Overscan strip image section (trimsec = "[26:1598,151:450]") Trim data section (zero = "Zero") Zero level calibration image (dark = "") Dark count calibration image (flat = "nFlat") Flat field images (illum = "") Illumination correction images (fringe = "") Fringe correction images (minreplace = 1.) Minimum flat field value (scantype = "shortscan") Scan type (shortscan|longscan) (nscan = 1) Number of short scan lines\n (interactive = no) Fit overscan interactively? (function = "legendre") Fitting function (order = 1) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces (sample = "*") Sample points to fit (naverage = 1) Number of sample points to combine (niterate = 1) Number of rejection iterations (low_reject = 3.) Low sigma rejection factor (high_reject = 3.) High sigma rejection factor (grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius (mode = "ql")