input = "s*ms.imh" List of input spectra output = "d//s*ms.imh" List of output spectra (linearize = yes) Linearize (interpolate) spectra? (database = "database") Dispersion solution database (table = "") Wavelength table for apertures (w1 = INDEF) Starting wavelength (w2 = INDEF) Ending wavelength (dw = INDEF) Wavelength interval per pixel (nw = INDEF) Number of output pixels (log = no) Logarithmic wavelength scale? (flux = yes) Conserve flux? (samedisp = no) Same dispersion in all apertures? (global = yes) Apply global defaults? (ignoreaps = no) Ignore apertures? (confirm = no) Confirm dispersion coordinates? (listonly = no) List the dispersion coordinates only? (verbose = yes) Print linear dispersion assignments? (logfile = "dispcor.out") Log file (mode = "ql")