gxutil is a python module to work with output files from Galaxia. It has functions to convert absolute mags to apparent mags, add extinction and also to do coordinate transformations. It can also be used to run Galaxia from within python. Please update the first two lines in gxutil.py so as to setup some paths. If Galaxia data directory is '/home/user/GalaxiaData' and name of Galaxia executable file is 'galaxia' Update gxutil.py as follows GlobalGalaxiaPath='/home/user/GalaxiaData' GalaxiaExec='galaxia' For Galaxia version < 0.8, you need to put aebv_factor.ebf and r_lambda_parsec.ebf in directory '/home/user/GalaxiaData/Isochrones/' Then do >>>import gxutil >>>help(gxutil) USAGE: >>>data=ebf.read(myfile,'/') >>>gxutil.abs2app(data,corr=True) >>>gxutil.append_pm(data)