Stat Mech Comp Lab

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Teaching assistants

The teaching assistants for this course are Juliette Soule and Paul Webster.

Policy on programming languages

The course will be taught using Matlab. This is to ensure consistency with coursework taught in other Schools throughout the University. Although all of the lectures and course notes will be written using Matlab you are welcome to write your assignments in any programming language you like provided that you meet the following two requirements.

  1. You must request permission from the two TAs listed below to see if they can read and understand in your preferred programming language.
  2. Just like the other students using Matlab, you must show all of your code that you use to complete the assignments.


I welcome your feedback to help improve the course and your personal learning experience. Therefore, please consider filling out the following:

You can fill it out any time and an anonymous email with your response will be sent to me.