[ASA] ACAMAR SKA Fellowships and SKA PhD Scholarships - call for applications (deadline 25 Sept)

Kate Gunn kate.gunn at sydney.edu.au
Wed Jul 26 15:34:42 AEST 2017

Please circulate this email to potential applicants for the ACAMAR SKA PhD Scholarship and SKA Fellowship Scheme.
ACAMAR SKA PhD Scholarship Scheme
ACAMAR and CAASTRO are delighted to offer China SKA PhD scholarships and PhD travel scholarships to selected Australian universities and research institutes. These scholarships, of which up to 20 per year are available, are funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and managed by the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There will be two rounds per year, although only one round for the full 4-yr scholarships. This scheme is open to students of Chinese nationality up to 35 years old.

This scholarship round will fund visits of up to 2 years to Australian universities and research institutes (including CSIRO). The PhD student is required to be enrolled in China at one of: the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University or the University of Science and Technology of China at Hefei. The student may also enrol at a suitable host University in Australia (which requires a prior bilateral agreement to be in place). The CSC will provide a AUD$20,700 pa living allowance for up to 2 years in Australia and return travel.


ACAMAR SKA Fellowship Scheme
ACAMAR and the NAOC will co-fund at least one ACAMAR SKA Postdoctoral Fellow to be based at an Australian university or research institute for up to 2 years. The recipient of the Fellowship will be a Chinese national and needs to be affiliated with one of: the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Nanjing University or the University of Science and Technology of China at Hefei. Applicants need to identify their research plan and the name(s) of the proposed supervisor/mentor in Australia.



25 September 2017      Deadline for receipt of applications and references
December 2017             Results announced

The following round (which will include full 4-yr scholarships) will close around 10 February 2017.

KATE GUNN | Chief Operating Officer
CAASTRO | School of Physics  | Faculty of Science |
ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics

Rm 356 Building A28 | School of Physics

The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 2893 | M +61 411 466 080
Email kate.gunn at sydney.edu.au  W  http:// www.caastro.org

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