[ASA] Fwd: Call for Remote Internship Advisors for IAU OAD Project

Celine D'Orgeville u5090939 at anu.edu.au
Tue Jun 27 09:09:49 AEST 2023

From: Cenca Bridge Co-Leadership Team <no-reply at iau.org>
Subject: Call for Remote Internship Advisors for IAU OAD Project

Hi all,

We hope to find you well. We are gearing towards the planning of our annual remote internship at Cenca Bridge. Below is the information about it. We are looking for Spanish, English, and French speakers that could advise undergraduate students in a 3 month-long research internship. For anyone interested, please fill out this interest form: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/SvxCCQnMBZfXmYXVNCxlaTm?domain=forms.gle


The Central American-Caribbean Bridge in Astrophysics (Cenca Bridge<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/6jamCROND2uG8xGYgCNwac8?domain=cencabridgeastro.weebly.com>) is an established nonprofit organization in the US with the mission to develop and create astronomy research opportunities in Central America and the Caribbean. One way to support astronomy in the region is by hosting our annual remote internship<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/1H61CVARKgC21Y2BPhy82ki?domain=cencabridgeastro.weebly.com> program. Historically, we have had 27 students who participated in this remote internship. We are hoping to welcome 10 additional students this year.

We would like to invite you to advise a student for the remote internship of the year 2023. As an advisor, your responsibilities are:
Developing a research project that could be completed approximately within 3 months (July 24th - November 6th), taking into account that the program will take place during the academic semester.
Meeting with the student every 15 days (minimum) and guide your student in a positive environment (code of conduct<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/aO26CWLVXkU6vV63yCncb3k?domain=cencabridgeastro.weebly.com>).
Offering feedback for the monthly presentations that your student will be giving.
Cenca Bridge organizes several activities to support students participating in this remote internship:

Every student will have a mentor involved in astronomy who will guide the student throughout this process.
Every month, we will have research update meetings where students will present their progress (~5 minutes long) and mentors offer feedback.
We will offer professional development workshops every month.

At the end of the program, we will organize a symposium where students will present results from their final research projects to the general public.
Please, let us know of your interest and availability as early as possible.
Thank you for your support.

Cenca Bridge co-leadership team

Contact: cencabridgeastro at gmail.com<mailto:cencabridgeastro at gmail.com>

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