[ASA] Posters/videos invited for ACAMAR9 from PhD students (and others)

Lister Staveley-Smith Lister.Staveley-Smith at uwa.edu.au
Tue Jun 27 12:35:04 AEST 2023

Dear Australian-based PhD students and others,

We are inviting poster submissions from Australian-based PhD students for the ACAMAR9 workshop<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/f1gXC1WLPxc6KZXK1SLpHat?domain=astronomyaus.eventsair.com> to be held in Perth from Monday 31 July to Wednesday 2 August. ACAMAR<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zeh8C2xMQziVAmQAvS1hchE?domain=acamar.org.au> brings together Chinese and Australian members of the astronomy community to collaborate on areas of common interest within astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.  ACAMAR9 will cover the following themes:

  *   Big Data Challenges
  *   Facilities (including SKA, ASKAP, MWA, FAST and Antarctic astronomy)
  *   Fast Radio Bursts
  *   Galactic astronomy
  *   Galaxies and cosmology
  *   Machine learning
  *   Pulsars and Gravitational waves
  *   Time-domain astronomy
  *   Virtual observatories
In addition to being a great opportunity to share your research and engage with the astronomy community, there is a $1000 prize on offer for the best poster from an Australian-based PhD student and a $1000 prize for the best poster overall.

We have agreed to receive poster submissions from Australian-based contributors until Monday 17 July 2023. To submit your poster for consideration by the SOC, please email it to ACAMAR9 at astronomyaustralia.org.au before 17 July 2023. You can register for on-line attendance with no registration fee.

We are also encouraging presenters to submit a short video (up to 3 minutes) covering the research shown in their poster, however this is optional, and you can submit the pdf poster only if you prefer.

Poster Guidelines:

  *   PDF Poster - we recommend that this be designed in landscape and with a font of sufficient size to be read when sized to a laptop screen.
  *   Video (optional) - the video should be a short (up to 3 minutes) elevator spiel about the research in your poster.  You can provide this as an Mp4 or upload it toa platform such as Vimeo or YouTube and send us the link.
For more information, please see the ACAMAR9 website<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/f1gXC1WLPxc6KZXK1SLpHat?domain=astronomyaus.eventsair.com> or contact the LOC: ACAMAR9 at astronomyaustralia.org.au

Kind regards,
Lister Staveley-Smith
ACAMAR co-chair

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