[ASA] Please Distribute: Mount Stromlo Student Seminars, Nov 2023!

Sarah Bradbury Sarah.Bradbury at anu.edu.au
Thu Aug 10 16:20:11 AEST 2023

Dear all,

Could you please distribute the following information to your HDR student cohorts.

The ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) is proud to present the Mount Stromlo Student Seminars, 2023 (MSSS2023)!
MSSS2023 is a free, fully-catered 3 day student-led conference held at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra from the 8-10th of November.
This year's theme is "Colours of the Universe."
We invite HDR students from around Australia to join us and present a research and/or themed talk of their choice.

Registration for this event is open until the 20th of October. Please register via this form<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/QyTzCD1vlpTovkpn3sWDAu3?domain=nishamrutha.github.io>. Further information is available on our website<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/SBWgCE8wmrtl9NygpfwSECt?domain=nishamrutha.github.io>.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,

The MSSS Student Organising Committee, ANU
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