Workshop Tutorials for Physics

How to use these tutorials
Credits and Acknowledgements

How to use these tutorials

Each sheet is presented in three styles: a basic introductory level, a regular level with a biological flavour and a regular level with a physical or technological flavour. To complement each tutorial worksheet, a complete solution and full descriptions of all suggested activities are provided.

The introductory-level sheets are suitable for courses where the students may have little or no prior experience of physics. The regular-level sheets were designed to suit students in mainstream physics courses, most of whom will have successfully completed a physics subject in senior high school. The two flavours, biological and technological, are at the same level of difficulty.

A given sheet may appear in all three levels, or only an introductory and regular level, or only at regular level for topics which are not generally taught at a very introductory level. There is overlap of questions across the sheets, and in general the questions are independent, and can be done in any order or in isolation from the rest of the sheet. This is intentional; it allows sheets to be easily tailored for particular courses by taking questions from a range of sheets to construct one suitable for a given class.

Each workshop tutorial, solution sheet and all activities sheets are provided as MS Word document files and as PDF files. Through the complete range of topics, workshops and solutions follow each other together with the suggested activities.

The document files are provided so that you can easily cut and paste questions and solutions to make up your own tutorials, vary questions or solutions, or reformat to suit existing course templates or styles. The questions can also be used as worked examples in lectures, or exam problems.

For more information about the structure of the worksheets and the appropriate learning environment, go to the introductions:

> Introduction for worksheets & solutions

> Introduction for activities

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