Advanced Quantum Mechanics

This is the homepage for 3rd year advanced stream quantum mechanics.

Teaching assistants

The teaching assistant for this course is Alistair Milne.

Quizzes, assignments, exam

There will be 4 quizzes to be held during Lectures 5, 11, 14, 16 (all on Thursdays). There will be 2 assignments and 1 final exam. The marks will be apportioned to 35% of the total module mark according to: 5/35 1st Assignment, 3.33/35 2nd Assignment (QP section), 10/35 Quizzes, and 16.66/35 Exam.


Main text: A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition, by John S. Townsend.

Secondary texts: Quantum Mechanics: A Paradigms Approach, by David McIntyre, Corinne A Manogue, and Janet Tate.

Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Nanotechnology and Information Science, by Yehuda B. Band and Yshai Avishai.

Lecture notes

I will post lecture notes here as I finish them. I will try to post them before each class, but no promises.